Welcome to Eastland Switchgears Pvt. Ltd.
Sunday, February 16

MD’s Message

Since its inception in 1984, Eastland Switchgears has scaled new heights in last 3 decades in different fields of Engineering and achieved success by making its presence felt in more than half the Country and some parts of the World.

It’s my privilege and honor to pen this message as the Managing Director of pivoted Group of Companies under the aegis of Eastland Switchgears.

Whilst Electrical Equipment, Switchgears, Substations and associated Equipments remain at the core of what we do; we are equally well-versed in mining equipment as well as Food and Agricultural Products. We also serve our Esteemed Customers with Turn-Key Projects, EPC Projects and Annual Maintenance Contract with total competence to their utter delight.

We have gone through our quota of ups and downs as we also had our share of exciting yet challenging times. Eastland Switchgears, with good wishes and support from all its Stake-Holders aspire to become an INR 1000 Million Company in next couple of years.  But, along the way we have never forgotten our responsibility towards Service to the Nation. We have been supplying APFC (Automatic Power Factor Control) Equipment to nook and corner of the Country living True to our Motto of “Protect Your Energy” by saving Power Factor consequently saving Energy Consumptions.

All these have been possible because of our “Team-Playing” as our people have been treasured resources for the Company, who worked relentlessly with the Customers to meet the target. In Eastland Switchgears, we pull together people from different backgrounds who are specialists in their own field and committed to their respective responsibilities.

I have extra pleasure in sharing with you that Eastland Switchgears have earned special reputation of collaborating and cooperating with government and non-government agencies and have been entrusted to execute vital export orders.

I take this opportunity to express my personal gratitude to all the Stake-holders of Eastland Switchgears who have been bestowing their trust and solidarity with us.

Before I conclude I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to all my Associates, my Esteemed Customers, Financial Partners, Vendors, all Govt. and Non-Govt. Dept. and Agencies, Local Authorities and most importantly my dear Colleagues.

– Manoj Kumar Agarwal
Eastland Switchgears Pvt. Ltd.